So do you want the good news or the bad first.....never mind. It's my blog not yours. I'll give it to you in chronological order. So we're sitting at the Detroit airport waiting to board our flight to Amsterdam when I hear this beautiful violin music. Now this is not the kind of music you hear in an airport so I thought it must be on TV or something like that but it keeps going. And it is concerto quality music (like I know what that is). Anyway I start looking around for the source and I see this kid, who turns out to be 12, just wailing on this violin like he means it. Gorgeous music. He must have played for 30 or 40 minutes. Wonderful stuff. Made me glad I was at the Detroit airport.
Part 2.... So we're climbing up to our cruising altitude and shortly the captain comes on the loudspeaker and says "Folks, we've reached our cruising altitude of 41,000 feet. I want to welcome you aboard flight 136 and thank you for flying Delta. Should be a smooth flight although...." Now those of you who know me know I have to take a pill to get on board a plane, since I don't drink enough to help with my dislike of getting into a tube with 200 other folks who aren't smart enough to stay on the ground and go 500 miles per hour at 41,000 feet! Anyway, I decided to be a big boy and not take one this time. And then I hear the pilot say "although". Right then I knew I should have taken two pills. So he goes on. " Although we do expect a smooth flight for about three quarters of the flight, we have heard we may have some turbulence." Now what I heard was that the first six hours would be okay and there might be some bouncing around the last two hours. When someone tells me three quarters I expect three quarters. Especially from a highly trained pilot like ours. I expect at least a Captain Sulley level of skill. But noooo. Apparently he did not mean that. HE MEANT AT LEAST TWO MINUTES OF BOUNCING AROUND FOR EVERY FOUR TO SIX MINUTES OF RELATIVE SMOOTHNESS !!!. To me it feels like two minutes of smooth, six minutes of bouncing around bad enough he has to tell the flight attendants to buckle up. Shit !!! I have to stop reading or typing during the bouncy part because otherwise I get nauseated. Stop the laughing please. IT'S NOT FUNNY. AND RIGHT NOW WE HAVE TWO HOURS TO AMSTERDAM. I'm starting to think he's bouncing us around on purpose. Just now he turned off the "Fasten seat belt" sign. Like I believe that! I hope I can finish this. Hopefully at the airport...... (2 hours later) Landed safe and sound. Waiting for our third travel member and then off to downtown somewhere.
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